elevated 6Q4RO June 25, 1928 – June 3, 2023
elevated 6Q4RO Visitation
Thursday, June 8, 2023 from 3 – 5 pm & 6 – 8 pm
Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated 6Q4RO Funeral Mass
Friday, June 9, 2023 at 10:30 am
Chapel of St. Joseph – within Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
elevated 6Q4RO Click here to view the mass.
elevated 6Q4RO Entombment – Holy Family Mausoleum
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
elevated 6Q4RO Obituary
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Remo on June 3, 2023 in Toronto, Canada. He was born in San Martino di Lupari, Padova, Italy. He was the beloved Husband of Gabriella for over 63 years. He was a wonderful father to his daughters Jenny (Frank), Lidia (George) and a very proud and adoring nonno to Nicholas and Emily. He is also greatly missed by his brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and friends in Canada and in Italy.
elevated 6Q4RO In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Canada Heart and Stroke Foundation.
elevated 6Q4RO —————————————————————————————————-
elevated 6Q4RO Italiano
elevated 6Q4RO È con profonda tristezza che annunciamo la scomparsa di Remo il 3 giugno 2023 a Toronto, in Canada. Era nato a San Martino di Lupari, Padova, Italia. E’ stato l’amatissimo marito di Gabriella per oltre 63 anni, e un padre meraviglioso per le sue figlie Jenny (Frank), Lidia (George) e orgogliosissimo e adorato nonno di Nicholas ed Emily. Mancherà molto anche ai suoi cognati, cognate, nipoti e amici in Canada e in Italia.
elevated 6Q4RO
elevated 6Q4RO Al posto di fiori, donazioni alla memoria di Remo possono essere fatte all Canada Heart and Stroke Foundation. (heartandstroke.ca)
elevated 6Q4RO
Vi sono vicina in questa triste circostanza e partecipo al vostro dolore. Vi sia di conforto sapere che si e` riunito alla sua amata Gabriella. Sentite condoglianze da Silvana Girolimetto e famiglia
How very saddened we are to hear of your loss, dear Jenny.
In your descriptions and anecdotes of him, Remo seemed an intelligent, very understanding, kindhearted father, hard-working and honest and a dedicated and thoughtful husband to your mom Gabriella. What an example we are sure, he set for his children and grandchildren. Since the loss of our own parents, we can appreciate what you are going through right now. Let memories be the strength and calm that will help with healing. Remember
“Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.” – Emily Dickinson
un forte abbraccio
Raffi & Victor
I was deeply saddened to hear about Remo’s passing. Remo and I worked together many years ago and I have many cherished memories from that time. My thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones during this difficult time. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
Those we love don’t go away.
They walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard, but always near.
Still loved, still missed and very dear.
Dear Jenny and family,
So sorry to hear that your Dad has passed away. He was well loved at Madonna where he treated everyone with much respect and cared for the school as if it were his own.
Lorraine Travers.
I am sorry to hear of the passing of Remo.
He was an amazing person.
He truly was a great employee with TCDSB.