elevated 0UjaH Anita Grossi

elevated 0UjaH November 11, 1937 ~ April 28, 2020

elevated 0UjaH Anita passed away peacefully on April 28 2020 at the age of 82. She is now reunited in heaven with her loving husband Paolino. She is cherished by her children Joe and wife Carolyn, Claudio and wife Josie, Lucy and husband Piero. She was a proud grandmother to Christian, Daniel, Chiara, and Celeste. Anita will always be affectionately remembered by her sisters Maria and Santina and sister-in-law Antonietta. She is also now reunited with her parents Giuseppe and Antonietta and her brothers Antonino and Mario. She will be held dearly in the hearts of her nieces, nephews, relatives, and many friends. The Funeral Service and entombment will take place at Holy Cross Funeral Home and Cemetery (Yonge Street, South of Hwy 7) on Saturday May 2, 2020. 

elevated 0UjaH A photo memory album is available for viewing by following this link:  

elevated 0UjaH  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FZyOZcZXDc

elevated 0UjaH  In loving memory of Anita donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society Canada https://alzheimer.ca/en/Home/Get-involved/Ways-to-donate

elevated 0UjaH Anita si e’ spenta serenamente il 28 aprile 2020 all’età di 82 dopo una lunga malattia. Lei e’ tornata alla casa del Signore ed e’ riunita affianco al suo marito Paolino. E’ amata dai suoi figli Joe e la moglie Carolyn, Claudio e moglie Josie, Lucy e marito Piero.  Era una nonna orgogliosa di Christian, Daniel, Chiara e Celeste. Anita sarà sempre affettuosamente ricordata dalle sue sorelle Maria, e Santina e dalla cognate Antonietta . Ora è anche riunita con i suoi genitori Giuseppe e Antonietta e i suoi fratelli Antonino e Mario. Sarà tenuta cara nel cuore delle sue nipoti, parenti e molti amici. La Servizio  funebre e la sepoltura si svolgeranno al cimitero di Holy Cross (Yonge Street, a sud di Hwy 7) sabato 2 maggio 2020 ].

elevated 0UjaH Un album di foto di Anita Grossi si puo’ vedere seguendo questo link:

elevated 0UjaH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FZyOZcZXDc

elevated 0UjaH  

elevated 0UjaH In memoria di Anita donazioni possono essere fatte per l’Alzheimer Society Canada

elevated 0UjaH https://alzheimer.ca/en/Home/Get-involved/Ways-to-donate

elevated 0UjaH  

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