elevated 2VDzY April 23, 1927 – February 9, 2022

elevated 2VDzY Obituary

elevated 2VDzY Annina Ritacco, our living angel on earth joined God’s Angels on Wednesday February 9, 2022.

elevated 2VDzY Beloved wife to Natale Ritacco for 65 years. Loving mother to Angela Quattrociocchi (Ritacco) & spouse Robert Quattrociocchi, Rosa Francesca Ritacco & spouse Jimmy Fontecilla, Cinzia Ritacco, and Salvatore Ritacco & spouse Pina Fierro.

elevated 2VDzY Cherished Nonna to Jennifer Quattrociocchi & spouse Sergio Onorati, Andrew Quattrociocchi, Mathew Ritacco & spouse Ariana Ritacco, Vanessa Salvatore (Ritacco) & spouse Justin Salvatore, Samantha Alicandro (Ritacco) & spouse Patrick Alicandro, Natale Fontecilla , Adamo Ritacco, Sara Lombardi and Giordano Lombardi.

elevated 2VDzY Adored Bis Nonna to Isabella Onorati, Julian Onorati, Olivia Salvatore, Giulia Salvatore, Michael Salvatore, Kate Alicandro, and Jacob Alicandro.

elevated 2VDzY Annina will be missed by all who knew her, here in Canada and Italy.

elevated 2VDzY Donations may be made in Annina’s honour to the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada.

elevated 2VDzY Visitation
Tuesday February 15, 2022 from 2pm to 4pm & 6pm to 8pm

elevated 2VDzY Due to Covid-19 capacity restrictions, friends may have to wait to pay their respects during the visitation period. We are inviting family and friends to a walk-through visitation only to pay their respects, offer condolences and then kindly exit the building to allow for others to enter.

elevated 2VDzY Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6

elevated 2VDzY Private Funeral Mass – By Invitation Only
A Private Funeral Mass will be held in the Chapel of St. Joseph within the Funeral Home on Wednesday February 16, 2022 at 12pm.

elevated 2VDzY If you wish to view the Mass, please  click here to View Service

elevated 2VDzY Entombment  
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C7

elevated 2VDzY * Due to COVID 19 restrictions the Entombment will be Private

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