elevated d4vn4 November 10, 1935 ~ February 19, 2021
elevated d4vn4 Obituary
elevated d4vn4 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Concetta DiGenova (née Frigioni), born November 10th 1935 in Cerchio P. Aquila, Italy.
elevated d4vn4 Immigrated to Canada in 1954, and in 1958 married her beloved husband of 62 years, Nevio. Although she was in her 86th year, she enjoyed making family dinners for her grandchildren, with her specialty being homemade gnocchi. The telephone was her favorite means of communication to make sure everyone was okay, and made sure to let them know that there were her handmade crochet slippers waiting for everyone upon their arrival.
elevated d4vn4 Daughter of Alfonzo Frigioni and Lucia Frigioni (née Sperandio). One of many siblings, she leaves behind Anna and Agostina. Devoted mother to Francesco, Marietta and Alfredo. Loving nonna to Gustavo, Andrea, Natasha, Cassandra, Francesco, Stefania, Damiano and Krystina. Great grandmother to Mia. Cherished mother-in-law to Geri, Mirella and Carmelina.
elevated d4vn4 A private family service is being held on Thursday February 25th, with entombment following at Holy Cross Cemetery.
elevated d4vn4 We understand that there are many who would like to pay their respects but due to current restrictions are unable to do so. The family has provided the opportunity to view the funeral service live at 1:30pm, which will become available automatically at the time of service.
elevated d4vn4 Click Here To View The Service
elevated d4vn4 Donations
elevated d4vn4 In Lieu of flowers and expressions of sympathy, donations can be made to The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation or Melanoma Cancer Foundation.
elevated d4vn4 The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation
elevated d4vn4 Melanoma Research Canada
elevated d4vn4
In Memory of dearly Beloved zia Concetta 🌷🌸🌷🕊
To my dear cousins and families and dear zio Nevio
At this time of grief and sorrow, May you find comfort in all the beautiful memories. I am so sorry and share with you deeply for your loss. With my Heartfelt Condolences.
Cara zia Concetta, You have left us with so many wonderful and endless memories to cherish.
You are so very Special and you will be greatly missed!!! Forever in our Hearts 💞
I love you and thank you for all your kindness and Love ❤️
May your Soul Rest in Eternal Peace … God Bless🕊
Tua nipote, Filomena ❤️
The ones we Love are never gone; they live within our hearts 💞🌷🌸🌷
Sentite Condogliaze
Alla Famiglia
Di Genova.
Sono Ada O perso una amica dinfanzia. Concetta ti penzo sembre tu sarai sempre nella mia preghiera.
Thankyou so kindly ❤
My dear friend Filomena I am deeply saddened for the loss of your beautiful Aunt Concetta. Her beautiful smile, her love of family. You spoke often of your wonderful family get togethers. My heart goes out to all the family. May God hold her in his arms and give her eternal rest. God Bless.
Thank you ❤🙏
Thankyou to my dearest cousin. ❤
And now reunited j🙏🙏
Deepest sympathy to the Di Genova family. Concetta will be greatly missed. My prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Luciano & Connie Brun and family
Thankyou kindly❤🙏
Our deepest condolences to all the family.
Thankyou kindly ❤🙏
Non sono parole per esprimere il mio dolore per la perdita di Concetta.
Possano i bei ricordi darvi pace e consolatione.
Concetta, mi manchera tanto ma restera sembre nel mio cuoro.
Le mie piu sincere condoglianze a Nevio, Francesco, Marietta, Alfredo and their families
Patricia, Nadine and John on behalf of
Agostina Ciofani
Thankyou for your comforting words ❤🙏
You have touched so many lives. Allegra, buona, elegante, sempre sorridente, speciale are just some of the words used to describe you.
As a family, we are grateful for your welcoming us into your home as we arrived from France; for your checking on mom, by phone, 3 times a day to ensure she was ok after dad’s passing; for sharing your experiences and talking to us as you would your own children;for taking part in our celebrations: for touching our lives in positive ways. Zia, thank you!
To zio Nevio, Francesco, Marietta, Alfredo and their families, our sincere condolences. Zia will be in our thoughts and in our prayers. With love,
Patricia, Jean Noel, Nadine and their families
My deepest sympathy to the Di Genova family. I was so sad to hear that my lovely Godmother Concetta has passed away. She is in Heaven with all the angels and received her wings. She is a bright light that will shine on her family forever.
I will never forget her beautiful smile and the way she used to squeeze my chubby cheeks when she saw me.
Un grande abbraccio al mio Padrino Nevio in questo momento difficile.
Thankyou ❤🙏
Thankyou so kindly. ❤🙏
“A mother’s love is alive forever. In the lessons she taught, the patience she gave, and in the hearts of the children she raised.”
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Di Genova Family in this time of great sadness. Know that your mother’s bright light will always shine down upon you. May she rest in eternal peace among the angels.
Thankyou my friend ❤
My deepest sympathy to the Di Genova family. In the times I met Mrs. Concetta Di Genova in years gone by with niece Filomena, Ms. Di Genova always had a loving smile and a charming personality. May God bless her always. Sincerely, Alan Cooper
Our heartfelt sympathy , prayers and thoughts to the DiGenova Family. May God bless Concetta and hold her dear.
Thankyou ❤🙏
We are so sorry for your loss. May the memories that you share bring you peace and comfort during this difficult time. We will always remember your mother’s warm smile. May she rest in eternal peace. 🙏❤️
My deepest condolences to the Di Genova family. Rest In Peace Mrs DiGenova.
Our deepest condolences. Nothing hurts more than losing a Nonna. May she watch down on all of you.
Concetta, angelo nel cielo, riposi in pace mi manchi tantissimo, ti tengo sempre nel mio cuore ❤️
Grazie ❤🙏
Sentite condoglianze a Nevio e famiglia per la scomparsa dell’amata Concetta. Non posso crederci che che non la sentirò mai più. Noi tutti in famiglia ricorderemo Concetta con tanto amore ed affetto. Lei sempre pronta a dare coraggio a tutti. Grande donna e grande mamma riposa in pace famiglia Renata De Santis
Renata De Santis on February 25, 2021 at 8:36 pm
Sentite condoglianze a Nevio e famiglia per la scomparsa dell’amata Concetta. Non posso crederci che che non la sentirò mai più. Noi tutti in famiglia ricorderemo Concetta con tanto amore ed affetto. Lei sempre pronta a dare coraggio a tutti. Grande donna e grande mamma riposa in pace famiglia Renata De Santis
Rita, Tony Silvestri e famiglia on Feb. 24/2021
Le nostre più sincere condoglianze e dolore
alla famiglia Di Genova.
Resta in pace Concetta.
Grazie ❤🙏
Famiglia Frigioni e DiGenova,
vi mandiamo i nostri sentiti e sinceri condoglianze per la scomparsa della vostra carissima Concetta. Possano I vostri ricordi di quest’angelo essere sempre con voi.
Maria Pia DIPoce e famiglia
Grazie ❤🙏
My heartfelt condolences to you all. I will miss her.
Caro Nevio, Francesco, Marietta, Alfredo e famiglie, la scomparsa di Concetta ci ha lasciato tutti molto addolorati! Mi mancheranno moltissimo le sue telefonate, i suoi consigli, la sua allegria il suo coraggio e il suo modo affettuoso di chiamarmi sempre ” Marisa Bella”
Io, Enzo e famiglia vi siamo vicini e condividiamo il vostro dolore! Possa consolarvi il ricordo di tutti i bei momenti passati insieme per tanti anni. Preghiamo il Signore affinche’ possa dare a tutti voi, la forza di andare avanti e superare questi momenti cosi’ difficili e a lei, il riposo e la pace eterna! RIP Concetta Bella, RIP!!!
Marisa, Enzo e Famiglia Morgani
Thankyou ❤🙏
Sending our heartfelt condolences to you all during this most difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Thankyou ❤🙏
Carissimi Nevio , Francesco , Marietta, Alfonso e famiglie,
sorpresa inaspettata il ritorno di Concetta alla casa del Padre, certamente ha lasciato un vuoto nei vostri cuori, specialmente dei vostri figli che lei adorava, il Signore accolga la sua anima in Paradiso e gioire insieme a Lui e alla Madre Celeste, per pregare per tutti voi. Sentite Condoglianze, a voi tutti, ho pregato su livestream durante la messa. Un abbraccio a tutti voi e per Concetta, R.I.P. Maria Coccia
Grazie Maria ❤🙏
Grazie ❤🙏
Con immenso dispiacere vogliamo estendere a tutta la famiglia le nostre piu’ sentite condoglianze. Mi manchera’ molto la sua amicizia e le nostre telefonate giornaliere. Lei e’ nelle braccia di Dio. Che riposi in pace.
Thankyou dearly❤🙏
Grazie ❤🙏
Thankyou ❤🙏
A Nevio e a tutta la famiglia,
In questo momento di dolore, vi giungano le nostre piu’ sentite condoglianze!
Riposa in pace Concetta! Ti ricorderemo sempre con affetto!
Marisa Morgani on behalf of: Loreta Di Genova, Wendy, Domenico e famiglia [ da San Benedetto, Italia ]
Grazie ❤🙏
We are Nevio’s neighbours and just found out about Concetta’s passing. She was always kind and friendly to us and we are sorry for your family’s loss.