elevated d4vn4 November 10, 1935 ~ February 19, 2021

elevated d4vn4 Obituary

elevated d4vn4 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Concetta DiGenova (née Frigioni), born November 10th 1935 in Cerchio P. Aquila, Italy.

elevated d4vn4 Immigrated to Canada in 1954, and in 1958 married her beloved husband of 62 years, Nevio. Although she was in her 86th year, she enjoyed making family dinners for her grandchildren, with her specialty being homemade gnocchi. The telephone was her favorite means of communication to make sure everyone was okay, and made sure to let them know that there were her handmade crochet slippers waiting for everyone upon their arrival.

elevated d4vn4 Daughter of Alfonzo Frigioni and Lucia Frigioni (née Sperandio). One of many siblings, she leaves behind Anna and Agostina. Devoted mother to Francesco, Marietta and Alfredo. Loving nonna to Gustavo, Andrea, Natasha, Cassandra, Francesco, Stefania, Damiano and Krystina. Great grandmother to Mia. Cherished mother-in-law to Geri, Mirella and Carmelina.

elevated d4vn4 A private family service is being held on Thursday February 25th, with entombment following at Holy Cross Cemetery.

elevated d4vn4 We understand that there are many who would like to pay their respects but due to current restrictions are unable to do so. The family has provided the opportunity to view the funeral service live at 1:30pm, which will become available automatically at the time of service. 

elevated d4vn4 Click Here To View The Service

elevated d4vn4 Donations

elevated d4vn4 In Lieu of flowers and expressions of sympathy, donations can be made to The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation or Melanoma Cancer Foundation.

elevated d4vn4 The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation 

elevated d4vn4 Melanoma Research Canada

elevated d4vn4  

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