elevated 2tHnQ Obituary
elevated 2tHnQ It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Felicetta Valentini, at the age of 85 on Friday, June 26, 2020. Cherished and devoted mother of Paul (Laurie), Mike, Danny, Frank and Maria (Ralph). Caring Nonna of Sara, Mark, Emily and Richard. Proudest Bis-Nonna of Daria, Anthony and Domenic. Felicetta was born on May 21, 1935 in Sora, Frosinone, Italy. Felicetta will be dearly missed by all who knew her.
elevated 2tHnQ Due to the current COVID 19 restrictions, there will be a private family Funeral Mass and Entombment on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 10:30 am.
Vince and I virtually embrace each of you in Felicetta’s immediate family. We will always remember her as a sweet, kind lady who always had a smile for her family and friends.
Zia Felicetta. In life there are people who stand at crossroads and a word, a suggestion an offer they make can have enormous effects. Zia was that person. I owe her suggestion to my dad to instead of return to Italy after 1 year of trying out Canada, to bring the rest of the family here instead. The kids, she suggested, would have a better future here. How true that was! Zia was the one on my first night in Canada going to bed feeling a little hungry but too shy to ask, offered me my first taste of white wonder bread which stuck to the roof of my mouth. A few day later she walked me to my new schoo, sat with me in front of my Principal and registered me. Zia was instrumental in the way my path in life has evolved and I wish her everlasting rest, joyous reunion with her loved ones who went before her and blessings to her children and grandchildren. R.I.P. zia Felicetta.
My condolences on your mom’s passing Maria to you, and your Brothers, Paul, Mike, Danny and Frank and the grandchildren. It all takes very strong and loving people to go though what you and your family have all gone through together. Your mom was a very strong women. Felicetta, comes from a strong, caring and loving Ferrari family. She believed in love of family and wanting the best for them. She loved us all and we loved her. It is a sad time for us all. She will be missed and remembered by us all.
Much Love from all of the Ferrari families.
Cari nipoti Maria, Paul, Frank, Danny Mike, sentite condoglianze ed un abbraccio grande da zia Rosina e zio Pasquale dall’Italia. Che la cara Felicetta riposi in pace in paradiso.
Paul, Mike, Danny, Frank and Maria,
I remember coming to Canada and staying at your house for a few days until our house was ready to move into. It was 1967 and your Mom and Dad were instrumental in helping us get settled in our new country.
I hope the good memories you have of your mom will bring you comfort and peace in the days, months and years ahead.
I feel that each of you owe your kind and gentle personalities to your Mom and Dad and so to me this is Zia Felicetta’s most lasting legacy.
Love, Adriana
When I came to Canada I remember going to your house and feeling very welcomed by your family. Although I didn’t get to see much of your mom over the years, I will always remember her being very sweet and humble.
I send each of you my condolences during this difficult time for I know the pain and finality of losing your mom.
Love Eddie
Maria, Paul, Frank, Danny & Mike,
My heart goes out to you all.
I send you strength and prayers.
You mom always had a smile and made me laugh. Those beautiful memories I will keep for ever.
She is dearly missed.
Much love to you all.
Cari nipoti Maria, Paul, Frank, Danny Mike, sentite condoglianze e un caro abbraccio da zia Rosina e zio Pasquale dall’Italia. Che la cara Felicetta riposi in pace in paradiso .
Paul, Mike, Danny, Frank & Maria,
Our heartfelt condolences to you for the passing of your Mom. She was a kind Zia, although we did not see much of her after the separation, I have peace knowing that her last years of life were free and peaceful. May Zia Felicetta rest is peace and reunited with her loved ones.
Paul, Mike, Danny, Frank,Maria
We are deeply saddened by the loss of your mother. Prayers and fond memories are what we have to remember.
Rest In Peace Zia Felicetta
Le Nostre più sentite condoglianze. Felicetta era un brava cognata abbiamo molti bei ricordi di lei. Riposa in pace.
Anita e Giacomo