elevated bMxv4 April 13, 1939 ~ November 21, 2022
elevated bMxv4 Visitation
Sunday, November 27, 2022 from 2 – 4 & 6 – 8 pm
elevated bMxv4 Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, ON, L3T 3Z6
elevated bMxv4 Funeral Mass
Monday, November 28, 2022 at 9:00 am
elevated bMxv4 Chapel of St. Joseph – Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
elevated bMxv4 Entombment
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill, ON, L3T 2C7
elevated bMxv4 Holy Family Mausoleum
elevated bMxv4 Obituary
elevated bMxv4 It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Giuseppe (Joe) Di Rocco, at the age of 83 on Monday, November 21, 2022. Beloved husband of Michelina Di Rocco. Cherished father of Daniele (Dan) and his wife Giovanna (Joanne). Devoted and caring Nonno Joe to Joseph and his wife Amanda, Chiara and her husband Matthew. Proudest Bis-Nonno of Giancarlo and Matteo.
elevated bMxv4 Giuseppe will forever be remembered by many nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
elevated bMxv4 Giuseppe was born on April 13, 1939 in Silvi Marina, Teramo, Abruzzo, Italy. Loving son of the late Nicola and Maria Di Rocco. Predeceased by dearest brothers Aurelio and Bruno.
elevated bMxv4 In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the SickKids Foundation. https://www.sickkidsfoundation.com/
When we loss someone so close and dear to us we never really loss them for they become a part of us giving us strength. Your father will always be with you all in your hearts as you cherish his memory. Sending heartfelt sympathy
Vi mandiamo un abbraccio che possa riempire un po’ il vuoto di questo triste momento.
Sincerest condolences to Michelle and family. Joe was such a loving,caring man. We are honored to have know him. May he Rest in Peace and forever in our hearts 💕.
Marlene& Peter Falconi
Carissima Michelina (Michelle),
siamo profondamente dispiaciuti per la perdita di Giuseppe (Joe) tuo caro marito. Sappiamo che questi sono momenti difficili da affrontare, e speriamo che Dio ti da’ la forza di superare questo periodo di difficolta’.
Sei nei nostri pensieri e preghiere.
Vogliamo porgere le nostre sentite condoglianze, a te e alla tua famiglia.
Possa la sua anima riposare in pace.
Maria e Antonio Cornacchia
Dear Matthew and Chiara,
Sorry for the loss of your dear grandfather.
Carissimi Danny & Joanne,
io e Tony condividiamo la vostra tristezza. Joe era un’uomo e padre straordinario, e vi manchera’ molto, ma il suo amore vivra’ sempre nei vostri cuori.
Sincere condoglianze a voi e alla vostra famiglia.
Mary and Tony Cornacchia
Dear Michelle, Dan and Joanne, Joseph and Amanda, Chiara and Matthew,
Our deepest condolences for the loss of Joe. Wishing you peace, comfort, strength, and lots of love during this time of sorrow. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you.
Melissa and Andrew Ursitti
My sincerest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Keeping you in my prayers.
From: Floridea, Marco and Linda Scianitti
Dear Chiara and Matthew,
we are deeply sorry for the loss of your dear Nonno. He was an amazing man and we had the pleasure to know him. He loved you both very much. His memory will live in your hearts forever. May God give you peace and comfort during this difficult time. Our deepest condolences. We love you. Mom and Dad C,
Dear Joseph & Amanda
sorry for your loss. Your Nonno was an important person in your life and He will always be with you, in your heart.
We would like to express our Sincere Condolences to you and your family.
Love, Mary and Tony Cornacchia
My Condolences to the Bereaved Family.My thougts and Prayers.May his soul rest in peace.
Our deepest condolences for your loss. Find comfort in knowing that he left behind only sweet memories and an incredibly beautiful family whom he taught to love and protect each other. We will all cherish the kind man that he was and wish him eternal peace 🙏❤️
Dear Di Rocco Family,
We are sad for your loss and our hearts go out to you all. We are here for you. Always remember, he is never truly gone so long as he is talked about in the loving memories you have of him.
May he rest in peace.
sentite condoglianze a tutti di famiglia
Frank DeSantis.
Dear Di Rocco Family.
May you take comfort in loving memory and the friends and family that surround you during this difficult time. Our love and deepest sympathies to you and your family.