elevated Nw2kw July 19, 1935 ~ December 22, 2021

elevated Nw2kw Due to Covid-19 restrictions the visitation will be limited to 25 people in the building at one time. Guests may have to wait a few minutes at any given time.

elevated Nw2kw Visitation
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Catholic Cremation Services
6933 Tomken Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 1N4

elevated Nw2kw Funeral Service
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 at 11:00 a.m.
Catholic Cremation Services
6933 Tomken Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 1N4

elevated Nw2kw Interment
Assumption Catholic Cemetery – Section 9
6933 Tomken Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 1N4

elevated Nw2kw Donations
If you wish, in lieu of flowers, family will collect funds for birth place church in Kuterevo, Lika, Croatia (Crkva Majke Božje Karmelske Kuterevo) 

elevated Nw2kw Obituary
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ilija šporčić on December 22, 2021 at the age of 86.  Born on July 19, 1935 in Lipovlje (Kuterevo) Lika Croatia.  Survived by his most heroic wife Lucija of 66 years who cared for him for 17 long years during his illness.  A most beloved father of Dragica-Carol (Gaspar) and Manda (Zvonko).  A loving grandfather of four grandchildren: Nicole, Martina, Daniela (Doug), Anthony.  He will be missed by many family and friends in Canada and Croatia. 
A humble, gentle, loving, compassionate, and hard working man.  Our true example of a welcoming heart, always with kindness, respect and care for all.
He is now Eternally Free, resting in peace.  Pokoj vječni daruj mu Gospodine i svjetlost vječna svjetlila mu, počivao u miru!

Putnici smo dragi Tata u vremenu   
Odlazak s ovoga svijeta nikoga ne raduje 
Svijesni smo ipak da smo svi predodređeni 
Neznamo dana niti časa kad nam je usnuti… 
Gospodin, davatelj života, nježno pozove 
Kad klonemo pod teretom svoga križa. 
U Vječnosti boli ni patnje više nema 
Ljepota Božjega Lica neka Te obasja 
Dobrota Božjega Srca neka utješi ožalošćene 
Milosrđe Božje Ljubavi čuvalo te u vijeke. 
Počivaj u miru božjem! Amen


We are travelers, dear Dad, in time
Leaving this world makes no one happy
We are aware, however, that we are all predestined
We don’t know the day or the hour when we fall asleep …
The Lord, the giver of life, gently calls
When we languish under the burden of our cross.
In Eternity there is no more pain or suffering
May the beauty of the Face of God illuminate You
May the goodness of God’s Heart comfort the bereaved
May the mercy of God’s Love keep you forever.
Rest in the peace of God!  Amen

elevated Nw2kw  

elevated Nw2kw  

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