elevated IG2nb March 19, 1930 ~ July 9, 2021
elevated IG2nb It is with deep sorrow and much love that we mourn the passing of Joseph Undyantara, on Friday, July 9, 2021. Beloved husband of Maria Liduina Undyantara. Cherished father of Ayrini Undyantara (Sutrisna Wijaya), Yorini Undyantara (Michael Johnston), and Antonius Undyantara (Emilia Kesumahadi). Devoted and caring grandfather of Roswita & Christopher Tsuruoka, Monika Widjaja & William Tam, Cynthia Undyantara, and Chantale Undyantara. Proudest great-grandfather to Mia Kathryn Tsuruoka.
elevated IG2nb Due to Covid 19 restrictions there will be a private family Funeral Mass and burial on Friday, July 16, 2021 at 12:00 pm. To view the mass please click below.
elevated IG2nb View Service
Dearest Tante Liduina Udyantara and Family,
Please accept our warmest condolences, we are deeply sorry for your loss. May Oom Joseph’s soul be at peace with our Heavenly Father.
God bless you and your family
Love from :
Janto, Inge, Andrea & Elmar – Whitby
Dear Ayrin,
Our deepest condolences for the passing of your papa. He was a sweet soul, humorous, enjoyed taking pictures and shared the prints with pride. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family especially for your mama.
Dear tante Liduina, Anthony, Emi, Cynthia & Chantale & all family members…
Our deepest condolences for the lost of om Joseph. May he rest in peace in heaven 🙏🏻
Dear Renee,
My apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel Go’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Ytk. Melia & Gunadi,
Maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini.
Dengan ini kami ingin menyampaikan terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa, yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga dalam masa duka ini.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara
Dear Renee,
My apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer.
The Undyantara Family.
Kami turut berdukacita atas berpulangnya oom Joseph Undyantara ke rumah Bapa di surga.
Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkan tabah dan dikuatkan.
Ayrini dan keluarga turut berdukacita atas berpulangnya papa tercinta Oom Joseph Undyantara. Semoga arwahnya beristirahat dengan damai bersama Yesus. Semoga Tante Undyantara kuat menghadapi kepergian suami tercinta🙏
Dear Tante Siang dan seluruh keluarga besar Undyantara,
Kami turut berduka cita atas dipanggil pulang nya Oom Yan ke rumah Bapa.
Almarhum adalah figur seseorang yang sangat sayang kepada family dan kerabat. Kami sangat kehilangan senyumnya, gurau candanya, perhatian dan kehangatan yang luar biasa.
Semoga arwah beliau diterima di rumah Bapa dan dapat tempat yang istimewa di sisi Bapa. Amin.
Kiranya penghiburan dan kekuatan Tuhan menyertai seluruh keluarga besar.
Dear Undyantara Family, Please accept our deepest condolences for Joseph’s passing. May God hold him in the palm of his hand.
Maliki Tedja & Family
Dear Tante Liduina and family.
Please accept our deepest condolences for Om Joseph’s passing. May God hold him in the palm of his hand
Giok-Irwandi Pranadjaja
Sorry to hear this news. May Joseph rest in peace. May God continue bless his family and the generation to come.
Dear Antonius, Emilia, Cynthia & Chantale.
Turut berduka cita atas dipanggil pulangnya papa/ opa tercinta.
Tuhan melimpahkan penghiburan dan kekuatan untuk seluruh keluarga.
Gunadi & Melia
Ytk. Melia & Gunadi,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini.
Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa anda yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga dalam masa duka ini.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Please accept our sincerest condolences.
May the soul of Om Undyantara be at peace with our Heavenly Father.
Dear Hendra & Yoek Phing,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Turut berduka cita
Semoga Oom Yan Tjien diterima di sisi Tuhan Yang Maha Rahim dan keluarga yang ditinggalkannya diberi ketabahan dan kekuatan
Dear Valent,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini.
Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga dalam masa duka ini.
Diiringi salam dan doa.
Keluarga Undyantara.
Terima kasih Tuhan, kami telah diberi kesempatan untuk mengenal dan belajar dari Bpk Undyantara. Sekarang waktunya kita untuk berpisah. Bapak tidak lagi ikut dalam perjuangan kita. Bercanda dan memberi nasihat..
Jasad dan jiwa akan kembali keasalnya. Namun namanya akan tetap tinggal bersama kami. Dan kami akan menyebutnya dengan rasa hormat.
Bapak Undyantara Selamat jalan dan beristirahatlah dalam damai Tuhan.
Kami mengucapkan:
Turut berduka cita
Semoga Oom Yan Tjien diterima di sisi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkannya diberi ketabahan dan kekuatan
menghadapi semua ini.
Ytk. Anneke & Erwin,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini.
Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga dalam masa duka ini.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Our deepest condolences. Best wishes to the Undyantara family.
Oom Joseph was a kind man who visited my mother frequently before she passed away. Oom gave Mom snacks, printed pictures and joy. A kind man will be missed.
Dear Ingrid,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy is very much appreciated.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Ci Siang and family,
Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss. May his soul be at peace with our Heavenly Father.
Tan Tjie Kian & Hilly
Ong Siong Som & Linda
Dear KELUARGA besar alm bpk Joseph Antonius Undyantara,
Duka mendalam atas MENINGGAL nya bapak (panggilan akrab keluarga/anak² alm), saya sepupu Sutrisna (Suami Ayrin), menetap di Jakarta,
Setiap kali kunjungan saya ke Toronto mengunjungi putra saya, rasa nya perjalanan saya belum lengkap selama di Toronto bila belum ketemu bpk Joseph,
Bpk yang begitu baik hati, penuh kasih perhatian, PANUTAN dan yang tak terlupakan, senang foto moment kumpul keluarga khusus nya,
Foro foto hasil jepretan bpk Joseph yang indah menjadi warisan berharga bagi saya, untuk selalu mengingat dan mengenang bpk Joseph…
Terakhir saya ketemu bpk Joseph Desember 2019 (beberapa bulan sebelum Pandemi), kita kumpul di rumah putra saya di Withby On, ber ulang² saya perhatikan foto kenangan hari itu dan ada video saya duduk ngobrol berdua bpk sambil makan malam hari itu….
Bpk Joseph sekarang sudah mendahului kita semua, bahagia bersama Tuhan Jesus, sampai berjumpa kelak bila tiba waktu nya kita berjumpa di rumah TUHAN di SURGA…
Semoga keluarga yang masih berjuang menyelesaikan tugas didunia ini diberikan kekuatan dan selalu hidup saling mengasihi seperti panutan kita alm bpk Joseph
Tuhan memberkati kita semua Amin 👏
Dear ciSiang n kel.besar Undyantara.
Kami sek.turut berduka cita atad berpulangnya ko Yan Tjien kerumah Bapa.
RiP ko YanTjien.
Kel.yang ditinggal dapat kekuatan.
Ytk, Djoek Lan,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini. Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Please accept our deep Condolences for the lost of beloved oom Joseph.
May his soul be at peace and happy with Jesus in heaven.
With love and prayers: Lissy & Sugianto.
Dear Hilly & Tjie Kian, Linda & Som,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Tante Siang dan kel besar Undyantara,kami sangat kehilangan Oom Yan Tjien,tapi Tuhan Jesus sangat sayang Oom,dan memanggil pulang ke rumah Nya,semoga Oom menjadi pendoa buat kita semua yang masih mengembara didunia ini.
Salam sehat buat tante Siang.
Dear Om Sutrisna dan Tante Ayrin,
Turut berduka cita sedalam2nya utk kepergian opa Joseph.
May his soul be at peace with our Father in Heaven.
Our thought and prayers with you and your family.
Jeffry and Selvia
Ytk. Lucy & Thomas,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini.
Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa dan karangan bunga, yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Opa Yan Tjien was like a grandfather to me and I know mom and dad really loved him dearly. I’m going to miss his warmth, his stories and sense of humour. I will pray for the repose of his soul, may he rest in peace. Our love goes out to Oma Siang, Ayrini,Trisna and family.
Joyce, Dave, Lindsay and Jessica Bott
Vaarwel Oom Jan Tjien…..
Maret 2020 kita sudah merencanakan akan merayakan bersama HUT Oom yg ke-90.
Tiket sudah ditangan, titipan Oom berupa parker bolpoint dan camilan2 sudah disiapkan. Pakaian batik untuk hari H sudah masuk koper (meski pinjam teman).
Tepat sehari sebelum keberangkatan ada berita kalau Canada akan lockdown, coronavirus COVID-19 sudah masuk Amerika.
Rencana kumpul2 jadi batal, semua dianjurkan diam di rumah untuk mengurangi penyebaran virus.
Acara kumpul2 masih tetap tertunda, pandemi masih tetap berlanjut,
sampai akhirnya Oom berangkat duluan meninggalkan dunia.
Een mens stippelt zijn weg uit, de HEER bepaalt de richting die hij gaat.
Sekarang tinggal kenangan yg tak terlupakan kebersamaan kita waktu di Malang kota kelahiran kita, di Jakarta dimana kami pernah berkunjung dan di Toronto selama kami berlibur.
Bedankt voor alle liefde die u ons gaf.
Vaarwel Oom Jan Tjien….
Rust zacht in Gods armen ….
U bent heel bijzonder en heel gewoon
Gewoon een heel bijzonder iemand.
Veel liefs,
Cornelia Sofia Tan
CI Siang & family
So sorry, of the passing of your beloved husband. Trust, through his strong faith, ko Joseph’s soul is RESTING IN PEACE in HEAVEN.
Please, accept our DEEPEST SYMPATHY and May the Lord bless you with HIS STRENGTH, to face this time of sadness.
Hok Djin & Trees
Dear Trees & Hok Djin,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Kami mengucapkan:
Turut berduka cita
Semoga Oom Yan Tjien diterima di sisi Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan semoga keluarga yang ditinggalkannya diberi ketabahan dan kekuatan
Dalam menghadapi semua ini.
Erwin & Anneke
Ytk. Anneke & Erwin,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini. Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa anda yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Dear ci Siang and family,
Our deepest condolences in the passing of ko Joseph.
Our prayers are for the repose of his soul and for ci Siang and family..
May ko Joseph Rest In Peace…
Dear Meta & Som Djie,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
We would like to express our sincere condolences on the loss of your husband / father Koh Yan Tjien.
Our thought and prayer are with you and your family.
Lucy and Sam Tjan
Dear Lucy & Sam Tjan,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Dear Undyantara Family,
Please accept our deepest condolences. We are sorry for your loss. Rest in peace.
A&W Pharmacy
Dear cik Siang, Ayrini & Trisna, Antonius & Emilia, Yorini & Michael,
Our sincere condolences for the loss of your beloved husband/father. He was a very kind man. We will miss him dearly.
May God give him eternal rest and give the family strength & comfort at this difficult time.
With our prayers,
Ennya & Aries
Cherished Joseph Undyantara, may your soul be in peace in the heavens with your beloved. Our deepest condolences from
Ian, Nora & Eric Tam.
Our deepest sympathy to the Undyantara family from all of us in the Johnston Family…Our hearts and prayers are with you all during this time.
Dear Johnston Family,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy and prayers and Gift is very much appreciated. It helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
The Undyantara Family.
Dear Tante Siang, Ayrini and Trisna, Antonius and Emilia, Yorini and Michael.
Please accept our condolences for your loss. May his soul rest in peace in the Father’s house.
Arianto, Caroline, Devina, Siska
Dear tante Siang, Ayrine & Trisna and family, my sincere condolences for your loss. May God give om Joseph eternal rest and comfort to the family.
Dear Victor & Marta,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy , helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Dear ci Siang and family,
Our deepest condolences in the passing of beloved ko Yan Tjien, may his soul rest in peace. May the Holy Trinity and Holy Family shower you and family with their blessing and comfort and may Mother Mary embrace, give you strength and cover all of you with her mantle of love during this difficult time.
With prayers,
Tirsa & Jenny Djaja
Dear Jenny & Tirsa,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy and prayer helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Our deepest condolence to most beloved
Om Joseph Undyantara
“We all gonna miss your charming smiles, generous helps, extensive attentions and your uncanny ability to keep records of old photos of our UKI activities”
“May your soul enjoys eternal peace in the Father’s house”
/ obituary e-card available at the website below /
Dearest Siang and family,
Deeply shocked to read the passing of Oen.Our family send our condolences for this tragic loss.
I,Ton, has known Oen for almost 60 years.We were great mates and enjoyed wonderful happy times in Indonesia.After his marriage to Siang and the birth of Ayrini we kept our friendship going.I remember visiting them often for good conversation,cuddling little Ayrini and having delicious meals.
After my marriage to Susan and settling in New Zealand,after spending some time in other Asian countries,we kept in touch with eachother,and surprise ,surprise they came to visit us. Great to see them.We took the opportunity to drive them around the country and enjoyed their presence.
WE got the feeling they were considering settling in NZ too,but it was Canada instead
We kept in touch regardless.Our families grew and with phone calls and photos we were still very close.
The Undyatara family will not be forgotten We love you and especially you Siang a big hug from us all.Keep strong with your family around you.Oen will look upon you and he will be at peace
Love and hugs from Susan and Ton
Sincerest sympathies and prayers for Joseph and the family. We will truly miss his presence specially at Epiphany’s 9:00 Mass.
Love ❤️ to Maria and the family. Thank you for the times you spent with us.
From the 9:30 Choir members
Dear cik Siang &family.
Please accept our deepest condolences for you lost of your beloved husband and father.
My prayer may the repose of his soul rest in pease in our Father’s house. And may God give you and your family with strength & comfort at this difficult time .
Lisa B. Tjan
Our deepest condolences to Tt Siang, Ayrini & Sutrisna, Antonius & Emilia and the rest of the family Undyantara for your loss. May Om Joseph Rest in Peace.
Dear tante Siang , Yorini, Ayrini , Antonius and family,
With my deepest sympathy, I reach out to you for the loss of your husband/father/grandfather. May you allow the light of those around you to guide you and give you strength as you travel through times of hardship. I hope the good memories you have of him will comfort you in the days ahead.
May Oom Yan Tjien’s soul Rest In Peace .
On behalf of the Indonesian Catholic Community, we express our sadness; acknowledge our loss and the great importance of Oom Joseph Undyantara’s life.
UKI will long remember Oom Joseph for his joyful spirit, his persistence, and his friendly-wonderful personality.
Oom Joseph always attends the events in UKI: the pilgrimage, the mass, the retreat and recollection, Senior Day appreciation and many others. His dedication to participate and simple life of service to others – always doing the errands, love singing, giving the red envelope, taking pictures and sharing the “printed one” have made him a truly – very special Senior in the Indonesian Catholic Community.
Oom Joseph is with us once more, leaving those of us who grieve his passing with memories he gave, and the good that he did.
May God Bless Oom Joseph Undyantara, and may he rest in eternal peace.
Angelina Hanapie
Koordinator UKI
Dear Ayrin and Trisna,
We are truly sorry for your loss. Om Joseph was such a great and humorous person, he will live on in our memories forever. The angels rejoice as a good soul has finally made it way home. Our heart-felt Condolences to you and your entire family, especially Tante Maria.
Dear Linda, Abraham and Felix,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy is very much appreciated; it helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer,
The Undyantara Family.
Selamat beristirahat ditempat yang selayaknya Oom Joseph. Saya akan sangat kehilangan Oom kalau datang ke Toronto lagi.
Dari jauh saya sampaikan turut berdukacita kepada keluarga besar Undyantara, Tante Liduina, Ayrini ,Sutrisna atas kehilangan besar ini.Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih atas nama Jesus Christus memberikan kekuatan dan ketabahan untuk menerima kepergian Oom Joseph ketempat yang lebih baik dan damai.
Salam kasih dan doa dari jauh.
Yang terkasih Isabella,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini. Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa yang telah kami terima. Semuanya itu sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga dalam masa duka ini.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Selamat jalan Opa Joseph. Terima kasih banyak Opa sudah “adopsi” saya sebagai cucu. Opa yang sabar, perhatian dan saya hormati.
kelak suatu hari kita pasti bertemu lagi ya. Selamat bergabung di Bible Study Group… bukan Seagrave tetapi Bible Study Surga.
This is not good bye but rather see you later Opa Joseph. Love you always and forever.
Dear Tante Siang, Cici Ayrin, Koko Trisna, Cici Yorin, Michael, Koko Kiki, and Cici Emile, Roswita, Monica, Cynthia and Chantale,
We are deeply saddened with the passing of Oom Yan Tjien. He was very dear to us – a kind Uncle and Grand Uncle, always very thoughtful and caring. He always made time for us when we visited at Christmas and treated us to lunch/dinner. We will treasure all our memories of him.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to all of you from Atlanta, Georgia… Although we can’t be there in person, we are with you in spirit. May he rest in peace.
Inez, Paul, Micah, Taya, Abree, and Gracyn
Joseph, one of the kindest and most loving souls ever, is surely with Our Father in Heaven. So devoted to his family and proud of each person, he was also so appreciative of every kindness shown to him. Joseph was simply kind and personable beyond words. Devoted to Maria, they worked together beautifully. There are not words to adequately express how highly I think of Joesph and his family, too. I just know God is holding Joseph close, so proud of his time with us. My love to all.
Dear Tante/Oma Siang,
Our heartfelt condolences to you and your family. May his soul rests in peace in the loving arms of God. We cherish our memories of Opa Joseph (and treasure all those pictures he’s taken of us) and pray that our Lord blesses and comforts you and your family during this time of grief.
With love,
Arifin & Amie Sutojo,
Stefania, Christian, Xander & Aiden Pranata,
Shirley & Alex Sin
Kpd Ykk, Tante Undyantara, Ayrin dan Sutrisna dan keluarga besar Undyantara.
Kami menyatakan turut berdukacita atas kepergian oom Joseph. Tuhan menguatkan dan menghibur tante dan seluruh keluarga Undyantara.
Lanny Soedirgo dan Kel.
Lieve tante Siang, lieve familie, lieve allemaal, we zullen online de ceremonie bijwonen, maar ik wens jullie heel veel liefs en sterkte!
Veel kisses and hugs van Ernie, Anne, Charlotte, Silver en Lola.
Lieve tante Siang, kinderen, kleinkinderen en achterkleinkind.
Gecondoleerd met het overlijden van oom Yan Tjien.
Ik wens u allen heel veel sterkte toe.
Kee You
Dear Kee You,
Your loving expression of sympathy is very much appreciated.
Het is een heel aangename verassing, een bericht van jou te mogen ontvangen. Waar zit je nu ? Waar woon je ?
Van wie heb je vernomen omtrent Oom Yan Tjiens overlijden ?
Mag ik jouw adres hebben ? Van dit Website kan ik je E-mail adres niet zien.
Heel veel liefs en groetjes van ons allemaal.
The Undyantara Family.
Dear Tante Siang and all Undyantara Family,
Turut berduka cita sedalam-dalamnya.Selamat jalan Oom Yan, Tuhan Yesus bersamamu menuju kedamaian di Surga.
Salam buat semua keluarga disana, Tante siang Salam sehat selalu.
with Love Josi n Lala.
Dear Ci Siang, Ayrini & Trisna, Antonius & Amelia and other family members,
May we convey our deepest condolences and sympathies to all of you on the passing away of Koh Yan Tjien.
May his repose rest in eternal peace R. I. P.
May the grace of God be upon you all during this mystery of life.
Know that he is loved and remembered by all.
God bless you always!
To Ci Siang and family
Please accept our deepest condolences for the passing of ko Yan Tjien.
May God give you and your family strength during this difficult time.
From Tek Sien and Jeanne
Selamat jalan, oom. Sampai ketemu lagi. :'(
Turut berduka cita kepada Ci Siang & kel. besar Oendyantara, atas meninggalnya ko Yan Tjien.
Kiranya Tuhan memberikan kekuatan & penghiburan bagi seluruh keluarga yang ditinggalkan almarhum.
Tante Siang, turut berdukacita atas meninggalnya Om Undiyantara. Semoga beliau diterima oleh Tuhan Maha Pengasih.
Dan semoga tante Siang dan keluarga diberi penghiburan dan ketabahan dalam saat sulit ini.
* Ci Siang , Ayrin,Yorin,Kiki dan seluruh Keluarga. besar Undyantara.
Saya turut berduka cita namun juga yakin bahwa koh Jan Tjien bersuka
cita karena telah merampungkan hidup yg sangat penuh arti bagi
Ci dan anak cucu.
Ci jaga diri baik2 ya…
TK utk semua kebaikan dan kasih sayang kalian berdua
utk seluruh Keluarga Setiadi.
Saya senang dapat “ikut”
dlm acara misa pelepasan peti tadi ke Krematorium.
Selamat jalan Koh….sampai bertemu !
Level, Zita
Lieve Koko,
selamat jalan menuju Surga utk menemui panggilan Ilahi. Sayang kita blm sempat ketemu lagi terhalang corona ini. Saya percaya kelak bisa berkumpul lagi dgn cara dan waktu Tuhan. Senang melihat Koko menyanyi di video pd ulang tahun Koko yl. Bagus kata2-nya mengikut sertakan Tuhan dlm segala hal. Timbul rasa kangen saya melihat en mendengar Koko menyanyi dgn tenang en mantap. Sambil menangis saya cium pipi Koko terkasih. Nasehat Koko selalu ik ingat kl tas bahu harus tetap nempel dibadan sp ndak. hilang of lupa terbawak. Trima kasih Koko sabun2-nya Koko masih ada ik hemat pakainya. Sdg Koko senang sabun bayi zwitsal ya. Sampai ketemu dlm mimpian nanti. GBU
dari adikmu Tien.
Selamat jalan om Joseph semoga bahagia disisi Allah Bspak.
Om akan selalu menjadi kenangan indah dalam hidup saya dan anak saya, om selalu ingat nama, ulang tahun bahkan nama anak² saya serta makanan apa yg saya bawa di Senior Bible Study East.
Selamat jalan om, I miss
Yang terkasih Lelly,
Mohon maaf untuk keterlambatan balasan ini.
Terima kasih atas ungkapan belasungkawa yang sangat menghibur dan menguatkan bagi kami sekeluarga dalam masa duka ini.
Diiringi salam dan doa,
Keluarga Undyantara.
Lieve Tante Siang en kinderen,
Medeleven voor dit verdriet van het vertrek van Oom Yan Tjien,
Condoleances van de Familie Tjhie en wij wensen u veel liefde en sterkte.
Oom Yan Tjien en Tante Siang were our neighbours in Kebayoran. Oom Yan Tjien was a colleague of our father at Percetakan Negara. They knew my sister Karin and me as babies before we left for The Netherlands 1958. Later we met now and then in The Netherlands or in Indonesia. It felt as Oom Yan Tjien and Tante Siang were family. Oom Yan Tjien had a unique combination of humor and wisdom which he brought with a certain entertainment. It was always a joy to meet.
Oom Yan Tjien thank you very much for al the wise, interesting and funny thoughts you shared with us.
Dear Bert,
Our apologize for this late reply.
Your loving expression of sympathy and sharing is very much appreciated. It helped us feel God’s presence at this difficult time.
With love and prayer.
Tante Siang and the Undyantara Family.
Me despidan de esto.
Antes pensaba de otro modo, gracias por la ayuda en esta pregunta.