elevated 6hyjk June 28, 1946 – January 31, 2023
elevated 6hyjk Visitation
Friday, February 3, 2023 from 2-4 & 6-8 p.m.
211 Langstaff Road East, Thornhill, Ontario, L3T 3Z6
elevated 6hyjk Funeral Mass
Saturday, February 4, 2023 at 10:30 am
St. Mary Immaculate Parish
10295 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3B9
elevated 6hyjk Burial
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery
8361 Yonge St., Thornhill, ON L3T 2C7
elevated 6hyjk Obituary
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the passing away of Kazimira (Dunja) Gabric on January 31, 2023 at the age 76. Beloved wife and best friend of 35 years to Petar. Selfless and devoted mother to Donald (Veronika) and Alex (Sofia). Proud Baba to Joshua, Nonna to Luka, Ema, Leonardo and Great Baba to Kazimira and Johnathan. Kazimira will be remembered in the hearts of many family and friends.
elevated 6hyjk If desired, donation may be made to SickKids foundation.
elevated 6hyjk
You were quite the person mama Pajama! The strongest woman I know.
Iskrena sućut gospodinu Peri i obitelji od obitelji Kuželka iz Rijeke, Croatia🖤 Počivajte u miru a nama ostaju divne uspomene na Vas 🖤
You were quite the lady Mama Pajama. You were the strongest woman I know. Love, The Frozen One/ Little one
You were the most selfless, loving proud woman and amazing friend always I will miss your calls, support and friendship . Fly high with the angels and go antiquing up there w my mom . I love you ! Barbara
Deepest Condolences to my friend Peter, and family. Dunja was a sweetheart of a lady.
Oni koji odlaze pred lice Gospodnje,a upoznali su ljubav bližnjih u ovom životu ostavljaju sreću u srcima onih kojima su podarili svoju ljubav, dobrotu i mir.Pero neka Vas ta ljubav tješi i donese utjehu a i svima koji su ju voljeli ! Nikica Zlatko
Our deepest condolences. Praying for strength for the family at this difficult time.
I met Dunja at the Atlanta Antique Mkt. many years ago. We started sharing a booth together and had so much fun. Many times she stayed with me over the weekend. She taught me how to make cabbage rolls with saurkraut — not cabbage. And she made the best clams & linguini.
We can look forward to the day when we can see our loved ones again. The Bible shows that God has both the ability and desire to bring back our loved ones. John 5:28,29 says, “all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out.”
Isaiah 65:21 “they will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage.” Imagine a living under such conditions with our resurrected one’s..
I look forward to seeing her in Paradise. Debby Woods