June 16, 1951-March 3, 2018

elevated jH873 Obituary

elevated jH873 CAPT. KEVIN BENNO D’MELLO, Master Mariner Passed away peacefully in his home, at the age of 66, on March 3rd, 2018, after a hard-fought battle with prostate cancer. Beloved husband of Cecilia D’Mello (nee Viegas). Adored father of Ian & Darrin D’Mello. Treasured brother of Cheryl (& Reginald) D’Souza, Francesca D’Mello, and Charlotte (& Nigel) Coutinho. Brother-in-law of Ferdinand Viegas (deceased), Gerard (& Swarna) Viegas, Albert (& Sandra) Viegas, and Sylvia (& Irwin) Fonseca; and uncle to many nephews, nieces and a delightful grand-niece. The family thanks you for your love, support, thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. Our dearest Kevin will be missed by all.

elevated jH873 Visitation

elevated jH873 March 7, 2018
9:15am – 11:15am

elevated jH873 Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East

elevated jH873 Map to Location


elevated jH873 March 7, 2018

elevated jH873 the Chapel of St. Joseph-Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home
211 Langstaff Road East

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elevated jH873


elevated jH873 March 7, 2018

elevated jH873 Assumption Catholic Crematorium
6933 Tomken Road

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elevated jH873

elevated jH873 Family Story:

elevated jH873

elevated jH873 My Godson

elevated jH873   I have very fond memories of my godson Kevin.  He was always generous and never failed to visit me whenever he returned from sea. I will always remember him with fondness and cherish his memory – handsome yet humble, alway jovial and smiling yet thoughtful and tender towards his family. I told his eldest son that he'd better be like his father… I add, in these respects.  Love you Cecilia Ian Darren Cheryl Francesca  Charlotte     and their families too

elevated jH873 -Ivy Fernandes – 2018-03-07 5:45:40

elevated jH873 A Great Batch Mate

elevated jH873 Dear Cecelia, Our heartfelt condolences and prayers. May Jesus's perpetutal light shine on him for ever and ever.   Amen. Blessings and Prayers Chander Gorowara

elevated jH873 -Chander S Gorowara – 2018-03-07 12:32:18

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