elevated h3z9U May 9, 1922 ~ May 7, 2020

elevated h3z9U Funeral Service

elevated h3z9U Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery

elevated h3z9U Interment
Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery

elevated h3z9U Obituary

elevated h3z9U Peacefully passed away on May 7, 2020 two days before her 98th birthday. Cherished wife of the late Anthony. Adored mother of Mary Anne (Alex), and Michael (Judy). Beloved grandmother of Tom (Mahjabeen), Sonja (Mark), Kristopher, Matthew, and Jennifer. Great-grandmother of Isabella, Samuel, Tristan, Elia.

elevated h3z9U Beloved sister to Theresa and the late Adam. Beloved sister-in law to Rita. She will be lovingly remembered in the hearts of her many friends and relatives.

elevated h3z9U Due to the unprecedented current circumstances, a private funeral and interment will be held at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery and Funeral Home.

elevated h3z9U Memorial donations made in memory of Mary to St. Francis Table, 1322 Queen St W, Toronto, ON M6K 1L4, would be appreciated by the family.

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