elevated 2W6NZ August 12, 1937 ~ December 27, 2022

elevated 2W6NZ Visitation
Wednesday, January 4, 2023 from 4-8 p.m.

elevated 2W6NZ Funeral Mass
Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.
Chapel of St. Joseph at Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home

Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery

elevated 2W6NZ Obituary
It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Paul Joseph Vella at the age of 85 on December 27th, 2022. Paul was born August 12, 1937 in the city of North York to Grazio and Carmela Vella (both predeceased).

elevated 2W6NZ He will be greatly missed by many including his wife of 60 years Sandra, his children David, Danny and Loriann and his bother and sisters Mary, Joan, Anne, John, James, Michelina and Joseph. He was a loving grandfather and enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren Cody, Lila, Conner (predeceased), Sydney, Paige, Sam and Madison.

elevated 2W6NZ He began his legacy in 1959 when he purchased his first shoe store with the help of his mother and father. He named it Vella Shoes. One store grew into over 40 and eventually evolved into the name Walking On A Cloud.

elevated 2W6NZ Shoes and people were always his passion. He built the business with hard work, dedication and determination. No job was too big or too small. On any given day you would find him transferring shoes, fixing electrical issues (his professional trade) or driving/delivering shoes to his many stores. A pillar of knowledge and success in the shoe community he developed strong, lasting friendships with vendors and staff that stood the test of time.  He truly loved to joke, laugh and bring joy to people’s days.

elevated 2W6NZ When his kids were young he and his wife purchased a house in the country with land and horses. He loved to ride horses and enjoyed teaching his family to ride, bail hay, and how to clean stalls! He taught us; strength, determination, hard work, the importance of people and friendships and above all the art of humour and laughter. Join us as we say a heartfelt good bye at Holy Cross Catholic Funeral Home, 211 Langstaff Rd E, Thornhill for a visitation on Wednesday, January 4 from 4-8 p.m . A funeral mass will be held within the funeral home in the Chapel of St. Joseph on Thursday, January 5 at 10:30 a.m. An entombment will follow in Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery.

elevated 2W6NZ In lieu of flowers, donations made to Diabetes Canada would be appreciated by the family.

elevated 2W6NZ Livestream
Click here to watch the mass

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