elevated d4E3n Obituary

elevated d4E3n It is with heavy hearts and great sadness we announce the passing of Sebastiano Di Rosa, on December 7, 2022 at the age of 62. Beloved son to Vincenzo and the late Antonietta. Cherished brother to Rose (Domenic Giancola) and a devoted, caring and protective padrino/zio to Sabrina (Anthony Figliano) and Marco. Sebastiano will be lovingly remembered in the hearts of many friends especially TLB and family. Seb, as we all knew him, touched the lives of many with his selflessness and kind-hearted generosity. As a passionate dog lover, he considered his dogs Lupo, Buddy, Rocky and Lulu as members of his family and formed many long lasting memories with them.

elevated d4E3n If desired, donations may be made to the Canadian Lung Association.

elevated d4E3n Funeral Mass

elevated d4E3n Streaming
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