elevated OjZMx Obituary
elevated OjZMx 林懿容於1922年6月18日在中國, 廣東省, 新會縣出生, 童年時在家鄉與弟妹一起生活, 後隨父母全家移居香港讀書, 中學畢業後, 協助父親經營生意, 父親去世後, 與繼母及弟妹在香港生活, 并於1987年與繼母移居加拿大, 多倫多, 與繼母, 幼妹及其家人一起生活, 2015年9月入住 Kennedy Lodge Nursing Home. 她於2021年2月10日在護理院安詳離世, 魂歸天國, 我們永遠懷念您。
elevated OjZMx Ms. Yee Yung (Margaret) Lum was born in Sun Wui, Guangdong, China on June 18, 1922 and the eldest of three children to father Sin Sing and mother Hong Yueng. When her parents moved to Hong Kong, she continued her studies and graduated. Afterwards, she helped oversee the family furniture business until her father’s passing. She was close to her sister and brother and lived with step-mother Hoe Chan and step-sister Wai-Yung (Cecilia) for most of her remaining adult life.
elevated OjZMx
elevated OjZMx In 1987, she immigrated to Canada with her step-mother to live with Wai-Yung’s family. Here she spent her retirement years enjoying hobbies like reading, knitting while caring for her nephew (Edward). In 2015, she moved into Kennedy Lodge Long-Term Care Home where she discovered new friendships and hobbies. On February 10, 2021, she passed away peacefully at the nursing home. She will be missed.