elevated nQtDK March 28, 1927 ~ June 16, 2020

elevated nQtDK Obituary

elevated nQtDK Redman, Yvette

elevated nQtDK It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Yvette Redman (nee Paquette), in her 94th year, on June 16th, 2020. Devoted and loving wife of the late Bert Redman. Beloved mother to Deb (Joe), and cherished Grandmother to Melissa (Brent) and Daniel (Mikaela).

elevated nQtDK Predeceased by all her brothers and sisters, she will be missed by all her nieces and nephews, and lots of friends and family, from Bermuda, Victoria and Toronto.

elevated nQtDK Special thanks to the staff at Delmanor Elgin Mills, and Mackenzie Health.

elevated nQtDK There will be a private funeral for the immediate family, followed by entombment at Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery.

elevated nQtDK A memorial donation may be made to the Alzheimer Society Ontario.

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