elevated fhuiy January 3, 1925 ~ August 16, 2020
elevated fhuiy Due to the COVID-19 government restrictions on public gatherings only invited guests are able to attend the funeral service. All family, friends and guests are required to wear masks inside the funeral home at all times.
Sending your love and support at this time is very much appreciated, and we welcome your messages of condolence.
elevated fhuiy Attendee restrictions in place:
Bol i samotnosc po stracie tak bliskiej osoby
niech zlagodzi prawda, ze nie umiera ten,
kto pozostaje w sercach bliskich.
Laczac sie w zalobie i smutku po smierci
Pani Zofi,
Prosz przyjac od nas wyrazy najszczerszego
Bozena, Wlodek, Erik i Martin Korzeniowscy